| 1. | Have you ever been refused entry into or deported fromchina 2你是否曾经被拒绝进入或被遣送出中国 |
| 2. | Have you ever been refused entry into or deported from china 2你是否曾经被拒绝进入或被遣送出中国 |
| 3. | 4 . refused entry where visa normally not required steps to take 4 .免签证者被拒绝入境应采取何种步骤 |
| 4. | Some people cried when they were refused entry into the usa 当有些人被拒绝入境美国时,他们哭叫起来 |
| 5. | The driver can refuse entry by those who board through the rear door 司机有责任阻止顾客由中门登车。 |
| 6. | But he was refused entry 但他被拒入境。 |
| 7. | Have you ever been refused entry into or deported from any country , including singapore 你是否曾经被拒绝进入或离开任何国家? |
| 8. | 22 have you ever been refused entry to , deported from , or otherwise required to leave , another country 有啥具体的区别?前一个只曾经签证被拒,后一个指曾经被拒绝入境离境? |
| 9. | After 13 january 2006 passengers arriving without the necessary entry clearance will be refused entry 2 0 0 6年1月1 3日之后,没有必备入境许可而抵达英国的旅客将被拒绝入境。 |
| 10. | In particular , but without limitation , the authorities may refuse entry or to eject any ticket holder 尤其是当持票人有且不限于以下情形时,有关部门可拒绝让其进入比赛场馆或将其驱逐出场: |